Obesity and Digestive Diseases
Obesity is one of the most common problems in the world and results in many health problems such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol, arthritis and sleep breathing problems.
But one of the problems that may not talk about is obesity-induced digestive diseases, because the way we eat has a huge impact on our bodies' absorption of food that can sometimes cause severe weight gain or extreme malnutrition.
Diseases of the digestive system caused by obesity:
1- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- It is one of the most common disorders affecting the digestive system and is a feeling of discomfort and comes to stomach pain, gases, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, sometimes pain in the hands and feet, as well as blood in the stool and the color becomes dark.
- Some studies say that women are more likely to develop irritable bowel syndrome than men, which can sometimes lead to appendicitis surgery.
- This is caused by unhealthy diets saturated with fat and spices that lead to obesity, and doctors advise to stay away from foods that contain gluten or non-gas stimulating to protect the colon from infections.
2- Stomach ulcers
- It is also known as the duodenal ulcer that affects the stomach and small intestine due to the release of a large amount of digestive acid due to large amounts of unhealthy food.
- It is recommended to follow up with a gastroenterologist for treatment of stomach ulcers, adhere to a healthy diet, also prevent smoking, drink alcohol and reduce steroids that inhibit the action of the enzyme Cyclooxygenase-1 and harm the production of prostaglandins that protect the mucosa in the stomach.
3- Esophageal reflux
It is one of the most important problems caused by obesity due to high stomach acid and burning sensation in the lower chest, and has early symptoms such as stomach bloating and nausea. We recommend that you consult your doctor to find the right treatment and avoid eating too much.
4- Constipation
- Constipation does not cause an increase in calories in the body, but causes flatulence.
- This is caused by weight gain due to lack of movement.
- Therefore, you should be committed with a balanced diet based on eating 25-30 grams of dietary fiber per day.
- Drink water from one liter to 2 liters per day to keep the body hydrated and protect it from dehydration.
- Most importantly, exercise which helps to improve health problems caused by obesity and also reduces the incidence of constipation.